Monday, October 22, 2007

Costa Rica

Originally uploaded by susisco
Back from Costa Rica. The trip was great. This was the most relaxed trip I have ever taken. I didn't care where we went what we saw, just went w/the flow and enjoyed each day.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

All packed and ready to go!

All Packed, originally uploaded by susisco.

I'm off to Costa Rica!

Finally a vacation, no computer no work and hopefully some adventure and rest. I hope this trip gets me inspired to design and paint some new stuff. Lately I am drawing a blank w/my graphic design and my personal artwork. All work and no play finally has left me zonked and uninspired.

One other good thing about this trip I will be back on a bike. Some of you know how much I love cyling and am very excited to do this RailBike Tour. 24 miles or so traveling on a rail road track through Costa Rica, that's my kind of fun. The rest of trip I plan on just going w/the flow and see what kind of trouble I can get into ;-).

Have a great week!

Monday, August 13, 2007

My Fav Spot

My Fav Spot
Originally uploaded by susisco
NO Cycling as of lately.
YES to Hiking

I love cycling don't get me wrong but now I rather get up and walk through nature instead of zooming by it. Here is one of my fav. spots. I love going there and enjoying both the hike and waves. Enjoy the pict, laters.