Saturday, December 03, 2005

Comments SPAM!!!

There is SPAM in my comments! Now I was all excited to see that someone actually took an interest in my ramblings. So I go to check the comments on my last post and I find SPAM! Maybe if they were related to what I'm writing about I wouldn't mind as much. Instead they are freaking advertising some certifcation program, totally off the mark w/this blog. I'm too tired tonight to try and figure out how to delete them. This is just rediculous.

Miles and Miles and Miles

I miss the miles.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Cool Breeze  Posted by Picasa

Cool Breeze 2005

BID #1992 Cool Breeze Metric Ride (60 Miles)
Event Date: 08/20/05

Yesterday I awoke at 3:30 am made my friends (Alondra and Rico) pick me up at around 5:00 am and off we went to Ventura. Why? To the starting off of yet another cycling event but this time I didn’t ride 100 miles instead I did 60 miles.

I was pretty nervous about completing this ride simply because I was not prepared for it. Also in the past rides in which I participated I had difficulties in each. The Cruising the Conejo ride back in May I had difficulties with my legs and couldn’t finish the full metric and had to quit. Then for the Tahoe Century ride in June I had a chain the kept popping off every time I tried to go up hill. With the many hills and cold weather finishing the century ride took every single ounce of energy I had. For this event I trained 3 times on the road for max distances of 25 miles and few spinning classes here and there. Knowing this I still went ahead and prayed I finished the ride okay.

At the event I gathered with my riding partners for the day, Erica and Ed whom I met while training for the Tahoe ride and Erica’s friend Sam. My goal was just to get to each resting zone. The fewer miles I had to think of the better. So first break was 14 miles away, easy I can do that. On the way there I got a flat on my back wheel. ARG!!! Okay so we stop pull to the side and Ed changes the tire and helpful support guy from cool breeze brings a floor pump and get the tire all fixed up. Great! Ready to go again and we continued to ride on. The road was mostly flat at this point and I was feeling so good that I even waved hello to the camera with both hands while riding. We made it to the first stop and met up with Alondra and Rico my personal support team for the day. It was great to see a friendly face waiting.

Then we took off and we headed for the hills. Oh yes now I remembered why I was nervous. My heart rate went up, my breathing was a little difficult and I kept pushing hard but riding slower. I recalled my past training, controlled my breathing and paced myself and continued on. I even had a chat with a woman about team in training and her bad experience of falling and cracking her helmet in four places. I gave her some tips on how to climb the hills and wished her luck as we reached the top and I zoomed away.


Most of the ride was fairly flat; OH we even got to ride on the Ventura freeway. That was interesting. It was scary yet fun because the wind of the cars gave us a boost and a nice break. We saw beautiful homes going up and as we came back we had a beautiful coastal view.

It’s a SNAKE. Yes on the way back we not only had to be careful of pedestrians as the sign said as we entered the bike path, but the sign forgot to mention snakes. I was right behind Ed and he rolls over a snake lying on the pathway. I had no other choice but to roll right on top of it as it curled up from the impact. Cliped into the pedals I tried to raise my feet and I yelled SNAKE and looked at my wheels to make sure it didn’t get trapped in them. Frightening experience and thankfully no one got hurt, well exept for the poor snake taking in some sun.

We got to the finish line with a smile on our face and everyone safe. WE FINISHED. I was so surprised I did so well considering I didn’t train. It was a great ending and I think it only took about 5 hours.

Like my friend Alondra says we are crazy. YEAH sure lets do a ride around LAKE TAHOE, okay or Yeah sure I’ll ride 60 miles and not train for it. Let me tell you it feels good to be crazy. Till the next ride, maybe I’ll do another century in Arizona.

Thanks to all my team mates and Alondra/Rico for making the event fun.

View Elevation map

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Having fun going up hill, what a change Posted by Picasa

Alondra and Rico, super support team Posted by Picasa

Look mom no hands Posted by Picasa

TNT Bandits : Alumni team in training members Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 22, 2005

5/21 Training day 11– 60 miles

I fell! 30 miles into the ride going up hill I crashed big time. Alondra and I were riding with a slower group and as we were going up hill remembered that we needed to wait for fellow team mates. Alondra turned right to wait and I was to follow. But as I was turning right I was thinking I need to notify someone that we will be waiting and as I was thinking and starting to turn I forgot to signal I was turning. As I was turning I didn’t realize how close the people riding behind me were. So one team mate rode on while the other rode straight into me and we collided. He came from the right side and completely surprised me (as I’m sure I surprised him). I screamed and went down and he was able to save himself.

I hit the ground falling on my right side. I quickly got up checked my bike and my team mates came over to check on me. Now I have a cut and swollen knee, another cut near my elbow a large road rash on my shoulder and some very minor scratches on my hands. After putting some ointment (don’t know what) we check my bike again. The bike tape is ripped, the right gear is scratched and my brakes were off place. With some quick adjustments to the bike and myself (make sure I didn’t break any bones) I got back on and rode another 30 miles of hills and hills and hills at Palos Verdes.

Now a day after I have the bruises and sunburn on my shoulders and I ache. It hurts to lift my right arm, actually it just plain hurts. So that was my Saturday ride. I can’t type more because I’m in pain. Hope next week goes better for me. Only one more training ride left before the big one in June.

Oh only was able to complete 60 miles due to heat and pain. The goal was to get hours on the bike not so much miles. I believe we did about 7 hours (lots of hills).

Monday, May 09, 2005

Fundraising Update

The event is fast approaching and I still need to raise $755 in order to meet my goal. There are a few things happening if you all would still like to help out in the fight against cancer.

Tickets for the dining cruise are still available – Click here for details

And the always popular and immediate way is to donate directly – Click Here

Please pass the word.
Thank You for your support.

5/7 Training day 10 – 68 miles

Cruisin’ the Conejo 2005

An official ride was the schedule event for sat. Again up at 4am excited to go riding especially since I hadn’t been able for about 2 weeks (due to illness). This day too had been schedule for some rain but luckily it turned out to be one fantastic day.

The ride started off great. Everyone was there ready to go. I felt great we rode through 30 plus miles of climbing and going down some steep hill, which was exhilarating and scary at the same time.

For most of the ride I felt really great. But after our second stop (restroom break) we started off riding again and my legs could do no more. They were hurting and felt like lead. As much as I tried to push on I just had no power. I was slowing the group down and then decided to just stop and give my legs some time to rest. I travel on our personal sag vehicle (Rico is such and angel) and watch the rest of the riders go by. I felt horrible, I’ve never quit before and so badly wanted to go on, but my legs said no way.

So I was angry but the day was great and my team mates finished and now I have to come back next year to finish that ride.

4/30 Training Day 9 – NO Miles

Today we awoke around 430 am to go to THE MOTHER OF ALL GARAGE SALES. The west side team had a garage sale to raise money. It was some event especially playing with all the toys (hockey sticks, aliens and mini bike) we could find. One cup of coffee is all I had to keep me going at this all day event and boy it is scary what that one cup of coffee can do to me. View the links to some event pictures.

We were able to raise $1,650 at that garage sale. Awesome teamwork!

I was supposed to train Sunday but since it was my birthday weekend, I decided to party instead.

4/23 Training Day 8 – 50 Miles

This ride went pretty fast. Since I haven’t been keeping up to date on my blog I’ll try my best to remember what happened.

I know I was still sick and I coughed most of the way. By the end of the ride all I wanted was some chicken soup, a bath and my bed.

The ride itself was great. It was supposed to rain that morning but luckily the clouds held on till we finished. We started out at long beach and went south from there. We had some trouble at the beginning when one of our team mates got a flat. It was quickly fixed and off we went again.

My only mechanical trouble this time my gears not working properly – which I am still having trouble with (I need to find time to go to bike shop). Other than that it was the best ride for me yet (especially since I was trying to get over that darn cold). It went pretty smoothly with beautiful coastal views and everyone finished in good time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

4/9 Training Day 7 – 40 Miles

*I skipped training day 6, I was too ill and tired to try and ride – no Malibu ride for me.

This ride had me a bit nervous. Two things were against me, 1 my riding partner wasn’t with me, Alondra (she was ill this time) and 2 we were doing a route I haven’t done before. I arrived feeling still a bit ill. My sore throat and body wasn’t feeling up to making a long ride. As we started off I already felt tired, my legs ached and I was hungry. I was not a happy rider.

This Saturday ride started off at the LA Zoo and went all the way up to Montrose and a quick stop at the Rose Bowl. This ride had two big climbs, with the first starting around mile 10 and the other at mile 26. The first climb was sneaky, doesn’t reveal how long and tuff it is till the end. At the beginning of climb #1 I had a good pace and felt like I can do this with no problem. I even started singing to myself, “I feel good…”, I tend to sign when riding by myself it helps motivate me. Then I reached near the top and could start to see our SAG wagon, this is where the climb became tricky. This was the hardest part ever, I felt my legs were going to give up on me and I had no more gears to help. For a minute there I thought I would have to walk the end of it. I kept signing and peddling and remembering my spinning classes, hover tight body and keep spinning. I reached the TOP, aww finally I can eat my banana and half of peanut butter sandwich – food is good.

I’ll skip the rest (beautiful homes and scenery along the way) and go to climb #2.

I remember slightly cursing the hill and asking why am I doing this again (riding). Then I quickly get an answer it’s for Elysse (our honored team mate) and all those who battle cancer every day. This climb was very painful, so I looked down, and then I realized I still have another gear, woo hoo!!! I slowly rode to the top and then looked at the beautiful view at the top of Lida Vista Ave and it’s beautiful. We even stopped to take pictures. Yes I finally have pictures of the ride. Then you know what comes next – going back down , weeeee.

* View some of our team pictures View Photos Here.

At the end of this I felt great and so accomplished. I write this now two days after and I am so sore, my legs and mid section ache. It was a great ride and I would do it again.

Donation Status: I have been slacking but I will be sending more info on other ways to help and have some fun at the same time. Stay tuned.

I ride because I care

Donate Today! Click Here Now

Elysse our honored team mate and inspiration Posted by Hello

Taken from the top of Lida, 2nd climb Posted by Hello

Also from Lida, beautiful clear view Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

3/26 Training Day 5 – 35 Miles

PLEASE NOTE START TIME OF 8:00 AM. Every Wednesday I get an email with our training schedule and for this week we start from El Dorado and going to do a 35 mile ride that includes the Turnbull Canyon hill in Whittier. This canyon is a little over 2 miles up (I think). For this entry I’m going to skip through the beginning of the ride and go straight to the climb.

At the bottom of the canyon the group began with a short clinic on how to go up the hill. Eat up start up with a middle gear and try to be wise on when to use that granny gear (the smallest gear on the front). As I began my climb up I separated from the group, hills are best done alone. Then it was one look up to see how far I had to go and then I looked down to forget how far I had to go. The only thing in my mind at that point was to KEEP PEDDLING. Around one curve, I still felt okay, around another curve I had to change gears. The only thing around me was the canyon wall and the road, oh and a crow, which oddly felt like a vulture (no way am I giving up).

The climb kept getting more difficult and as motor bikes sped by and cars passed along, I sure did wish I could trade my bike. I was getting worried at this point that this hill would never end and I was running short on gears to switch to. Mostly I was worried because I didn’t see the group ahead of me come back down, which made me think I still had a ways to go. Finally around a curve I see the fast (purple) team riding down yelling GO TEAM!!!, alright a gleam of light and hope that the end was near, and I still had air to yell back, GO TEAM!!!.

With hope that I was getting close to the top of the hill I peddled on and finally reached the top of the hill (yes using that granny gear). EXHAUSTED and excited I joined the rest of my team mates and recovered before I rode back down. The best part of going up the hill was coming back down, the reward. This was the most exciting part speeding down the hill at over 30 mph. on a bike! SWEET! As I carefully and very quickly came down with the air rushing through I reached the rest of my team mates and felt greatly accomplished, even if it was a short climb. It still felt great to be over it. Now we had to finish the rest of the ride and get back to our cars. It was a great ride.

Donation Status: GREAT NEWS I can continue riding thanks to two corp. sponsorships. Now I only need to gather another $1000.00 and I will be fully sponsored for the ride.

I ride because I care

Donate Today! Click Here Now

Sunday, March 20, 2005

3/20 Training Day 4 – 23 Miles

RAIN ON SATURDAY, what does that mean, we RIDE ON SUNDAY. On Sunday morning I grumpily awake get ready and wait for Alondra to pick me up as we go train at PV. This was a day filled with a beautiful coastal view and lots of hills. The miles set for today was to accomplish 35 miles (if I remember correctly) however I could only finish about 23 miles.

The day overall went well, my only loss was an $8.00 water bottle that fell off Alondra’s bike. She keeps my extra water bottle since my bike frame is too small and therefore I can’t add any other holders. It was funny though watching my bottle cross my path as I’m climbing up a hill. At this point I wasn’t going to try and stop and grab it, my only goal was to get to top.

I finished the training ride with my legs feeling like lead. As much as I wanted to keep going it just wasn’t happening. The harder I peddled the slower I felt I was going. At the end I didn’t continue to the last hill, instead it was a stop to Subway for some breakfast/lunch. With panoramic view to the ocean the training ride ends.

Donation update: At this point recommitment papers are due! I don’t know if I can continue or raise the funds.

I ride because I care

Donate Today! Click Here Now

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

3/12 Training Day 3 – 30 Miles

The day for me started at 6:30 am on a SATURDAY! By 8:00 am I was in Marina del Rey and scheduled to ride 30 miles. 9:00 am we were off riding. We started through the river path and again went through the debris and obstacles similar to the last training session. However this Saturday turned out to be more challenging and cumbersome.

Challenge #1: My mentor and leader of the group rides over a deep crack on the road which throws her off and makes her bike shift oddly. This nearly could have made her have a really bad fall, luckily she managed. I was riding right behind her with no chance to avoid the crack so I do the same and somehow am able to stay on my bike (see carol – I did stay on this time). The falling part I wasn’t so worried about, I have survived a few already. What did have me worried was the river fall to my left and at the speed we were riding it would not have been pretty. I’m very pleased to say I too managed and we kept on riding.

Challenge #2: I GOT A FLAT! We just finished fixing the flat of a teammate when we stopped for a quick break to the restroom and I noticed that I too have a flat on my front wheel. GREAT!!! With a super supportive friend, Alondra and I get cracking on fixing the flat. She removes the tube and I inspect the tire to see where the problem was. As Alondra finishes up putting the new tube together, I can’t seem to find the cause of my flat tire (which I still can’t find). We quickly finish up putting the tire back and continue on riding. Thanks again Alondra a real teammate.

Challenge #3:Getting through the many red lights on our way to Santa Monica through Pacific was very wearisome. Clip, Unclip CLIP and UNCLIP. I guess we weren’t fast enough to catch all green lights. On the way back this turned into a real challenge when clipping back on after a red light I got a cramp on my right calf muscle right at an intersection crossing. I was able to clip on and continue ridding with the cramp. I felt the knot there for a little while then it thankfully went away, yes it did HURT.

We ended our ride as the last group in. Unfortunately it wasn’t only me having problems but my teammates as well; it seemed the day was not meant to be for us. We never had a steady ride and couldn’t get warmed up enough to pick up the speed. It just wasn’t our day but we somehow were able to finish 35 miles, more than scheduled.

My fundraising has also turned out to be a major challenge. I have to turn in my recommitment papers next week, which pretty much say yes I can raise the funds necessary for me to continue training and participate in the century ride. At this point I’m not sure I will have the sponsors necessary for me to do so. I still need to raise at least $2600 and I am not sure how I will do this within the week. If I don’t get close to this number I'll be forced to quit(which I don't want to do). I am open to suggestions and would do just about anything at this point.

As my friend put it so eloquently in his letter to his friends about me “She is not a celebrity just yet, nor is she interested in being one, she has a cause, one that could be shared by most of us, if you agree. Her name Suzie Morales, her cause: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, her time June 05.”, no I am not the star nor do I ask for help for myself. The true stars are those battling with cancer everyday and my inspiration and drive to help them through my small effort of riding 100 miles in 1 day. I know we can make a difference.

I ride because I care

Donate Today! Click Here Now

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride - Lake Tahoe

I thought you guys might like to know what I’m up against. Here is the elevation map for the Tahoe ride in June. >> Elevation Map

Here is the link for the >> century ride.

Train, Endure and Achieve - GO TEAM!

>> Donate Today!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

2/26 Training Day 2 – 20 Miles

I DIDN’T FALL!!! Training went really well. We all gathered at Marina Del Rey and had our clinic on nutrition (cliff bars are no bueno) and how to use our gears. Then we split off into groups. There were three levels, those who have experience riding, and those who are enthusiasts (I’m in this group) and those who enjoy the ride.

The enthusiast group as I shall call us included two mentors and three participants. We had a good steady pace going down the river path as we try to keep our tires away from the debris, cones and glass found on the road. As we rode through the river path while yelling and pointing out the various obstacles I noticed that I had trouble figuring out which gears to use. It just wasn’t working for me, I click to switch and the chain would hit the chain rail. So after many attempts I decided to ask for assistance and after a quick lesson I was back and riding like a uhm pro again.

Unfortunately this quick lesson caused me to fall behind my teammates who where riding way ahead of me. I was faced with head wind which slowed me down and so I had to just keep on peddling through. I thought I was going to get a leg cramp but luckily I finally caught up with them when they stopped to turn back around. Oh and yah I did almost fall again. My new shoes clip wasn’t screwed on tight enough so it came loose and I couldn’t unclip to stop. Luckily I had enough room to keep riding until I finally managed to unclip my shoe. With a quick tightening and a drink of water and some Gu we went off again as a group.

We finished the ride with a huge success with no falls or flats, well at least for me. After the ride we went to CPK for some good eating and spend a good time with teammates. Days like that remind me why I love cycling and how great it feels after a good ride. It’s even better when doing it for a cause dear to my heart and sharing with others who feel the same way.

As for donations – it is going fairly slow. So please let people know help is still needed.

Those who have continued to assist me I truly appreciate it, and your kind words are very motivating. Thank you.

I ride because I care

Donate Today! Click Here Now

Sunday, February 13, 2005

2/13 Training Day 1 - 15 Miles

Well I’m doing it again, riding 100 miles in 1 day for 1 cause, to raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I have made a commitment to raise $5000 to help in the research to finding a cure for cancer. I will cycle 100 miles in Tahoe come June 5, 2005. This will be my second century ride and I’m very excited. Many friends have asked me how my training is going and fundraising, so I will use this site to keep you updated on how I’m doing.

Training began today – 15 miles.

Today’s training began with some clinics – as most training usually will begin. Then we went off riding. First I should tell you I got new cycling shoes (this will be important later). We started off by riding out of the parking lot and heading toward El Dorado Park to do some pace lining. Once we got to the park we split up into experienced (previously done a century) to beginners. Alondra and I went to the experienced group we looked great a real team pulling together and IN LINE. Then we came to a stop – and uhm I fell. Remember I got those new shoes; well I didn’t put enough lube on the clip so they were tough to clip off. I couldn’t clip off in time to put my foot down and stop so down I went. Luckily the fall was only amongst the small group of people I was riding with. Now I have a road rash on my knee – burns a bit. Thankfully I had “First Defense” Antiseptic wound spray with me and I put over my abrasion and continued to ride.

Now we pick up the pace. It was fun riding again I hadn’t really been riding since the first century so this was a challenge for me again. For one trying to remember when to switch gears and trying to keep up with the Taller more experienced group proved to be a real motivator to push harder. I managed to maintain and was able to finish with the team. So in the end it was a good short ride my bike is okay and my knee is healing.

Next training ride will be 25 miles. Till then.

Please remember that every little bit of help is appreciated. If you can not donate then please pass on the information to family, friends and colleagues. The quicker I can reach my goal of $5000 the more I can concentrate on not falling and riding more.

I ride because I care

Donate Today! Click Here Now

To those that have donated thank you for your support and kind words.