Sunday, May 22, 2005

5/21 Training day 11– 60 miles

I fell! 30 miles into the ride going up hill I crashed big time. Alondra and I were riding with a slower group and as we were going up hill remembered that we needed to wait for fellow team mates. Alondra turned right to wait and I was to follow. But as I was turning right I was thinking I need to notify someone that we will be waiting and as I was thinking and starting to turn I forgot to signal I was turning. As I was turning I didn’t realize how close the people riding behind me were. So one team mate rode on while the other rode straight into me and we collided. He came from the right side and completely surprised me (as I’m sure I surprised him). I screamed and went down and he was able to save himself.

I hit the ground falling on my right side. I quickly got up checked my bike and my team mates came over to check on me. Now I have a cut and swollen knee, another cut near my elbow a large road rash on my shoulder and some very minor scratches on my hands. After putting some ointment (don’t know what) we check my bike again. The bike tape is ripped, the right gear is scratched and my brakes were off place. With some quick adjustments to the bike and myself (make sure I didn’t break any bones) I got back on and rode another 30 miles of hills and hills and hills at Palos Verdes.

Now a day after I have the bruises and sunburn on my shoulders and I ache. It hurts to lift my right arm, actually it just plain hurts. So that was my Saturday ride. I can’t type more because I’m in pain. Hope next week goes better for me. Only one more training ride left before the big one in June.

Oh only was able to complete 60 miles due to heat and pain. The goal was to get hours on the bike not so much miles. I believe we did about 7 hours (lots of hills).

Monday, May 09, 2005

Fundraising Update

The event is fast approaching and I still need to raise $755 in order to meet my goal. There are a few things happening if you all would still like to help out in the fight against cancer.

Tickets for the dining cruise are still available – Click here for details

And the always popular and immediate way is to donate directly – Click Here

Please pass the word.
Thank You for your support.

5/7 Training day 10 – 68 miles

Cruisin’ the Conejo 2005

An official ride was the schedule event for sat. Again up at 4am excited to go riding especially since I hadn’t been able for about 2 weeks (due to illness). This day too had been schedule for some rain but luckily it turned out to be one fantastic day.

The ride started off great. Everyone was there ready to go. I felt great we rode through 30 plus miles of climbing and going down some steep hill, which was exhilarating and scary at the same time.

For most of the ride I felt really great. But after our second stop (restroom break) we started off riding again and my legs could do no more. They were hurting and felt like lead. As much as I tried to push on I just had no power. I was slowing the group down and then decided to just stop and give my legs some time to rest. I travel on our personal sag vehicle (Rico is such and angel) and watch the rest of the riders go by. I felt horrible, I’ve never quit before and so badly wanted to go on, but my legs said no way.

So I was angry but the day was great and my team mates finished and now I have to come back next year to finish that ride.

4/30 Training Day 9 – NO Miles

Today we awoke around 430 am to go to THE MOTHER OF ALL GARAGE SALES. The west side team had a garage sale to raise money. It was some event especially playing with all the toys (hockey sticks, aliens and mini bike) we could find. One cup of coffee is all I had to keep me going at this all day event and boy it is scary what that one cup of coffee can do to me. View the links to some event pictures.

We were able to raise $1,650 at that garage sale. Awesome teamwork!

I was supposed to train Sunday but since it was my birthday weekend, I decided to party instead.

4/23 Training Day 8 – 50 Miles

This ride went pretty fast. Since I haven’t been keeping up to date on my blog I’ll try my best to remember what happened.

I know I was still sick and I coughed most of the way. By the end of the ride all I wanted was some chicken soup, a bath and my bed.

The ride itself was great. It was supposed to rain that morning but luckily the clouds held on till we finished. We started out at long beach and went south from there. We had some trouble at the beginning when one of our team mates got a flat. It was quickly fixed and off we went again.

My only mechanical trouble this time my gears not working properly – which I am still having trouble with (I need to find time to go to bike shop). Other than that it was the best ride for me yet (especially since I was trying to get over that darn cold). It went pretty smoothly with beautiful coastal views and everyone finished in good time.