Tuesday, April 12, 2005

4/9 Training Day 7 – 40 Miles

*I skipped training day 6, I was too ill and tired to try and ride – no Malibu ride for me.

This ride had me a bit nervous. Two things were against me, 1 my riding partner wasn’t with me, Alondra (she was ill this time) and 2 we were doing a route I haven’t done before. I arrived feeling still a bit ill. My sore throat and body wasn’t feeling up to making a long ride. As we started off I already felt tired, my legs ached and I was hungry. I was not a happy rider.

This Saturday ride started off at the LA Zoo and went all the way up to Montrose and a quick stop at the Rose Bowl. This ride had two big climbs, with the first starting around mile 10 and the other at mile 26. The first climb was sneaky, doesn’t reveal how long and tuff it is till the end. At the beginning of climb #1 I had a good pace and felt like I can do this with no problem. I even started singing to myself, “I feel good…”, I tend to sign when riding by myself it helps motivate me. Then I reached near the top and could start to see our SAG wagon, this is where the climb became tricky. This was the hardest part ever, I felt my legs were going to give up on me and I had no more gears to help. For a minute there I thought I would have to walk the end of it. I kept signing and peddling and remembering my spinning classes, hover tight body and keep spinning. I reached the TOP, aww finally I can eat my banana and half of peanut butter sandwich – food is good.

I’ll skip the rest (beautiful homes and scenery along the way) and go to climb #2.

I remember slightly cursing the hill and asking why am I doing this again (riding). Then I quickly get an answer it’s for Elysse (our honored team mate) and all those who battle cancer every day. This climb was very painful, so I looked down, and then I realized I still have another gear, woo hoo!!! I slowly rode to the top and then looked at the beautiful view at the top of Lida Vista Ave and it’s beautiful. We even stopped to take pictures. Yes I finally have pictures of the ride. Then you know what comes next – going back down , weeeee.

* View some of our team pictures View Photos Here.

At the end of this I felt great and so accomplished. I write this now two days after and I am so sore, my legs and mid section ache. It was a great ride and I would do it again.

Donation Status: I have been slacking but I will be sending more info on other ways to help and have some fun at the same time. Stay tuned.

I ride because I care

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Elysse our honored team mate and inspiration Posted by Hello

Taken from the top of Lida, 2nd climb Posted by Hello

Also from Lida, beautiful clear view Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

3/26 Training Day 5 – 35 Miles

PLEASE NOTE START TIME OF 8:00 AM. Every Wednesday I get an email with our training schedule and for this week we start from El Dorado and going to do a 35 mile ride that includes the Turnbull Canyon hill in Whittier. This canyon is a little over 2 miles up (I think). For this entry I’m going to skip through the beginning of the ride and go straight to the climb.

At the bottom of the canyon the group began with a short clinic on how to go up the hill. Eat up start up with a middle gear and try to be wise on when to use that granny gear (the smallest gear on the front). As I began my climb up I separated from the group, hills are best done alone. Then it was one look up to see how far I had to go and then I looked down to forget how far I had to go. The only thing in my mind at that point was to KEEP PEDDLING. Around one curve, I still felt okay, around another curve I had to change gears. The only thing around me was the canyon wall and the road, oh and a crow, which oddly felt like a vulture (no way am I giving up).

The climb kept getting more difficult and as motor bikes sped by and cars passed along, I sure did wish I could trade my bike. I was getting worried at this point that this hill would never end and I was running short on gears to switch to. Mostly I was worried because I didn’t see the group ahead of me come back down, which made me think I still had a ways to go. Finally around a curve I see the fast (purple) team riding down yelling GO TEAM!!!, alright a gleam of light and hope that the end was near, and I still had air to yell back, GO TEAM!!!.

With hope that I was getting close to the top of the hill I peddled on and finally reached the top of the hill (yes using that granny gear). EXHAUSTED and excited I joined the rest of my team mates and recovered before I rode back down. The best part of going up the hill was coming back down, the reward. This was the most exciting part speeding down the hill at over 30 mph. on a bike! SWEET! As I carefully and very quickly came down with the air rushing through I reached the rest of my team mates and felt greatly accomplished, even if it was a short climb. It still felt great to be over it. Now we had to finish the rest of the ride and get back to our cars. It was a great ride.

Donation Status: GREAT NEWS I can continue riding thanks to two corp. sponsorships. Now I only need to gather another $1000.00 and I will be fully sponsored for the ride.

I ride because I care

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